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Legacy Spring Creek Ranch

Sold: 2014 Legacy Spring Creek Ranch Springfield, ID

Details & Features

This ranch is comprised of 671 deeded acres with 408.5 acres of tillable cropland and approximately 200 acres of grazing pasture with remaining acreage covered by springs, ponds and sloughs. According to the Farm Service Agency’s historical records, the farm has been planted in corn and wheat on 11 different plots ranging in size from 14 acres to 97 acres. Farm ground of various sizes could prove beneficial to an incoming owner who wishes to incorporate a food plot system designed specifically for the enhancement of habitat for the areas wildlife. 3 miles of spring creek meander through the property dividing the cropland and providing riparian habitat within close proximity to food sources. Numerous stands of aspen, cottonwood, willows and conifer trees adorn the property throughout providing scenery as well as refuge for area wildlife.

Improvements on the ranch include a 2,000± sqft, 5BR, 2BA modular home situated in the northwest corner of the property overlooking one of the many spring-fed ponds. A barn of approximately 3,500 sqft lies adjacent to the main home and serves as a heated storage facility for drift boats, 4-wheelers, hunting equipment plus various farm equipment used in the daily maintenance of the ranch. The barn also has a state-of-the-art duck and goose plucking system making cleaning the daily bag limit a breeze. Other improvements include perimeter fencing and an interior road system that has been established over time allowing travel through the property between agricultural fields and hunting and fishing spots.

The spring resources on Legacy Spring Creek Ranch are extraordinary and create a system of sloughs, lakes and creeks that extend for approximately 3 miles through the ranch. Historical measurements indicate healthy year round flows varying between 35-44 CFS. This clean, clear spring water creates an exceptional setting for growing large trout. With consistent year round water temperatures, these trout thrive and are able to grow to maximum size. Aquatic insect life such as scuds, leeches, mayflies, midges and caddis flies sustain the trout diet. The most prevalent trout species are rainbow and rainbow/cutthroat hybrids or cutt-bows. Cutthroat and brown trout also have been caught on the ranch.

The size of the fish is what truly sets the trout at Legacy Spring Creek apart. While recognizing that fish size is something often exaggerated, there is no need for embellishment here. Several fish have been measured and photographed that exceed 30 inches in length! Some of the larger fish caught and measured on the ranch include two rainbow trout, 34.5 inches with 18-inch girth and another 33.5 inches with 22-inch girth. It should be noted that current ownership has never stocked fish on the ranch. These are fish that live throughout the spring creek system with additional fish migrating up from the reservoir to spawn and take advantage of the ideal habitat.

In our experience, Legacy Spring Creek Ranch is the finest waterfowl property in the state of Idaho. If one considers the contributing factors it should not be surprising that Legacy Spring Creek Ranch is loaded with ducks and geese. The location next to American Falls Reservoir, a 56,000-acre impoundment and the largest on the Snake River, this massive body of water is a historical stopover spot for flocks of migrant birds. The area surrounding American Falls is rich in grain fields and roosting areas that attract large flocks of birds with prime habitat. The ranch itself is ideally situated with 3 miles of spring creeks that provide open water year round. Two pivots and multiple decreed water rights provide the necessary irrigation water and 120-day growing season allows key food crops such as corn and barley to grow in abundance.

The second most significant game bird on the ranch is the pheasant. Although overshadowed by the sheer number of ducks and geese, pheasant populations at the ranch are superb. This is a wild sustaining population of pheasants. Stocking could provide more birds, however the population is robust enough that current ownership deemed it unnecessary. Pheasants are commonly seen on the ranch roads, in the grain fields and in any piece of cover available. Hunting can be great for roosters after a morning sitting in the blind. Pheasant season typically runs from mid-October through the end of November.

In addition to the tremendous waterfowl and pheasant populations, we have also seen coveys of Hungarian partridge on the ranch. Huns offer an extended season with hunting open from the first of October through the end of January.

Legacy Spring Creek Ranch is an exceptional sporting property with a diversity of wildlife and excellent habitat supported by a well irrigated agricultural component seldom found on a ranch of this size, in this region. This private retreat offers an incoming Buyer an incredible opportunity to own a true sporting ranch all within close proximity to many modern conveniences.

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Last Listed At:$4,200,000
671 Acres
Get To Know Idaho Idaho Ranches for Sale


Idaho ranches for sale offer a variety of opportunities for water and wildlife recreation against the backdrop of the majestic Teton Range. Breathtaking hunting properties and Idaho cattle ranches can be found throughout the state in such rising resort communities as Teton Valley, ID, while fly fishing ranches sit on the banks of the Snake River, the Warm, the Fall, and the Teton, to name a few. Only moments away from world class recreation opportunities such as powder skiing and upland bird hunting, contact Live Water Properties for more information on purchasing land in Idaho for sale and Idaho ranch real estate.

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