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Faler Creek Ranch

Sold: 2014 Faler Creek Ranch Daniel, WY

Details & Features

Overview: Faler Creek Ranch is comprised of 91 acres, providing stunning views of the Wyoming Mountain Range and the Wind River Range. Faler Creek flows through the property for 1 mile on the meander, offering private spring creek fishing along its undercut banks, riffles and deep holes. The creek has been enhanced with two stone waterfalls creating a fantastic water feature and excellent trout habitat. The one-acre pond is stocked with cut-bow trout offering an excellent fishery for children and a great place to practice casting. A cozy two-bedroom log cabin is situated creekside where one can observe trout rising from the porch. Wildlife is plentiful with mule deer, moose and waterfowl frequently seen on the property. Enjoy a day floating the Green River; access to the Daniel boat launch is 2 miles from the ranch. Then park the drift boat by the cabin and enjoy an evening of private fishing along Faler Creek. With excellent onsite fishing and convenient access to the Green River all within close proximity to the resort community of Jackson Hole, Faler Creek Ranch is an ideal offering. There is the opportunity to build a dream home while utilizing the cabin for guests and family.

This Wyoming ranch for sale consists of 91 deeded acres of willow-lined creek bottom with sagebrush mix. Faler Creek Retreat offers beautiful views of the Wind River Mountain Range, home to Gannet Peak, the highest in Wyoming at 13,804 feet, and the Wyoming Mountain Range. Historically the ranch has been used for livestock grazing.

Live Water: Faler Creek Ranch offers private wade fishing on Faler Creek, flowing through the ranch for over 1 mile on the meander. The creek has been enhanced with two rock waterfall structures creating a fantastic water feature and excellent trout habitat. Faler Creek is a tributary to the Green River and flows through private property for its entire length. This stretch is closed to public access and float traffic, providing the angler a truly private fishing experience. Faler Creek produces a variety of trout including brown, cutthroat, rainbow and cut-bow trout. This delightful fishery offers wild trout fishing at its finest, to challenge the angler with its deep pools, riffles and willow-lined undercut banks. A one-acre trout pond supplements the fishing opportunities on the ranch, offering an excellent place for children to land one of the stocked cut-bows or a place to spend time perfecting casting techniques.

The famous Green River is next-door to Faler Creek Ranch and is a very popular stretch of the river for float fishing. The Daniel boat launch is only 2 miles from the ranch. This upper section of the Green also offers fantastic public walk-in areas for wade fishing. Many anglers visiting the northwest part of Wyoming rank the Green River at the top of the list for fishing destinations. The headwaters for the Green River are at the Green River Lakes located in the Bridger-Teton National Forest, a short drive from the ranch. This area is pristine and scenic with blue skies and high mountain peaks.

The New Fork River is also floatable several miles south of Pinedale near Boulder before it joins the Green River. This section of the river provides outstanding opportunities for a raft or drift boat. For hiking and equestrian adventures, the high mountain lakes of the Wind River Range are excellent places to go for a day visit or extended camping trips to experience several of the lakes and the many streams that the Winds have to offer. Several of the lakes hold golden trout, a rare treat for the well-traveled angler.

Summary: With 91 deeded acres, Faler Creek Ranch has great access to the resort community of Jackson Hole, and it is only 12 miles from Pinedale. This sporting property offers 1 mile of totally private fishing in Faler Creek, a one-acre pond and stunning mountain views. A cozy log cabin completes this outstanding fishing retreat making it the ideal place to relax for an evening after stalking the banks of Faler Creek for trophy trout. Or park the drift boat after a day of floating the nearby Green River and rest-up for another day on the water.

  • Stocked trout pond
  • Nearby boat launch on the Green River
  • Cozy 2-bedroom cabin
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Last Listed At:$795,000
91 Acres
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