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C & B Reece Ranch

Sold: 2014 C & B Reece Ranch Tetonia, Idaho

Details & Features

The C & B Reece Ranch is comprised of approximately 635 acres. Farmers covet the ranch’s location for the rich soil. The setting and topography include rolling farmland, ridges, aspen groves, riparian corridors and pristine views of the Teton Range and Yellowstone National Park. Bull Elk Creek flows year round through the property, providing water for stock and wildlife including Rocky Mountain elk, mule deer and Shiras moose. The land has been farmed for 50 years, and has included 372.02 acres in a USDA program that promotes wildlife habitat for sharp-tailed grouse. The owner in return receives an annual income for participating in the program. This preservation increases the ranch’s excellent wildlife component including big game populations that use the ranch as a refuge. The remaining acreage is planted with a mix of foxtail barley, winter wheat as well as hay. This balanced operation provides excellent crop yields resulting in above-average farm income. For the hunter, wingshooting opportunities are available for sharp-tailed grouse and Hungarian partridge. An incoming landowner will profit from the spectacular mountain views and sporting lifestyle of the C & B Reece Ranch.

Acreage: C & B Reece Ranch is comprised of 635 deeded acres of fertile soil with approximately 157.8 acres in active dry farmland. On March 1, 2010, the Reece family entered 372.02 acres of productive agricultural ground into a 10-year continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) entitled, State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE). This program is designed to fine tune conservation practices to “improve, connect or create higher-quality habitat to promote healthier ecosystems in areas identified as essential to effective management of high priority species.” In the case of the C & B Reece Ranch, the species of highest priority is the sharp-tailed grouse. This voluntary program offers rental payments of approximately $16,600 annually as well as cost-share assistance for establishing this habitat through specific plantings during the first year.

Bull Elk Creek meanders through the property for approximately one mile offering excellent habitat to elk, mule deer and moose who happily reside on the property. The ranch is defined by rolling agricultural fields with dramatic Teton Range views stretching along the southeastern horizon.

Live Water: The Teton River runs through Teton Valley and lies within close proximity to the C & B Reece Ranch. Trophy cutthroat and rainbow trout as well as an occasional brook trout inhabit this famous fishery. With rolling meadows that rise up to meet majestic mountain vistas in all directions, understandably the Teton River is referred to as “the most scenic trout stream in North America.” The Teton River is graced with an abundance of mayfly, stonefly, caddis and midge hatches while terrestrial patterns also work well in the late summer months. Local outfitters often report catching cutthroat trout as large as 23 inches in size and rainbow trout exceeding 24 inches in the Idaho Fly Fishing Guide.

In addition to wild trout populations in the area, birds on the ranch are prevalent with populations of bald eagles, golden eagles, ruffed grouse, Hungarian partridge and of course sharp-tailed grouse. In cooperation with the local Farm Service Agency in Driggs, the current landowner’s newly established CRP contract will protect and enhance the critical habitat for not only the sharp-tailed grouse, but also for other wildlife that frequent the area. The Bull Elk Creek drainage offers critical habitat and refuge for migratory animals such as elk, mule deer and moose during their travels to and from summering grounds in the nearby Caribou-Targhee National Forest and wintering range in the valley floor below.

Summary: C & B Reece Ranch is a unique opportunity for an incoming owner to carry on the legacy that was created in this area of the valley. With abundant land and proximity to some of the best “blue ribbon” fishing the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem provides, this rich Idaho ranch offers substantial sporting opportunities.

  • Agricultural component
  • Elk, mule Deer and moose habitat
  • Sharp-tailed grouse habitat
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Listed at:$2,350,000
635 Acres
Get To Know Idaho Idaho Ranches for Sale


Idaho ranches for sale offer a variety of opportunities for water and wildlife recreation against the backdrop of the majestic Teton Range. Breathtaking hunting properties and Idaho cattle ranches can be found throughout the state in such rising resort communities as Teton Valley, ID, while fly fishing ranches sit on the banks of the Snake River, the Warm, the Fall, and the Teton, to name a few. Only moments away from world class recreation opportunities such as powder skiing and upland bird hunting, contact Live Water Properties for more information on purchasing land in Idaho for sale and Idaho ranch real estate.

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